Annah Anikie Molosiwa
2006 US-Canada grantee, PhD in teaching, curriculum, and education policy
Annah Molosiwa retired in September 2024 as an associate professor of language and literacy education from the University of Botswana, having served for 42 years as an educator, researcher, and consultant. She participated in several nation-wide studies on Botswana’s education system funded by UNICEF and the Ministry of Basic Education & Skills Development. She has presented and published nationally and internationally on issues related to language and literacy education in Botswana, empowerment of local languages, and low educational participation of marginalized children in Botswana’s rural and remote schools. Annah is a member of the new nonprofit, Botswana Dyslexia and Social Support Services (BDSSS), dedicated to empowering individuals with dyslexia in Botswana. She is also a board member of the Botswana Human Resource Development Council (BHRDC), the Botswana Educational Research Association (BERA), and the International Literacy Association (ILA).