Kely Alfaro Montoya

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Kely Alfaro Montoya Peru 2017 Grantee  Latin America Program

Kely Alfaro Montoya  is an Economist Engineer, who specialized in economics, gender studies, and the  environment at the National University of Engineering (UNI).  She undertook her Master’s studies in both Agricultural and Environmental Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and  Environmental Development from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). She also has a Diploma in Extractive Industries, Surveillance and Sustainable Development (PUCP), as well as one in Finance (UNI) and Gender Studies.

Kely is  mother to her son, Amaru,  and a social activist working on projects related to ecofeminism and sustainable mobility.  

One of her efforts is to integrate the concepts and work themes related to gender, environment and interculturality. Thus, she has developed various efforts within activism and the development of research around it. Highlighting a study for ECLAC on water, gender and climate change (forthcoming), a study on how indigenous women in Peru could incorporate climate change policies and currently advises the Ministries of Women (MIMP) and the Environment (MINAM) in order to mainstream the gender approach in the NDCs.