Felicia Elinam Dzamesi

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Felicia Elinam Dzamesi Ghana 2017 Grantee  South African Program PhD in Early Childhood Education from the University of Pretoria, South Africa

Felicia Elinam Dzamesi obtained her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2019. She is an Erasmus Mundus Scholar with an International Master in Early Childhood Development and Care from the University of Malta, Malta.  She also holds a B.Ed. in Primary Education from the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. Dr. Dzamesi is currently a lecturer teaching early childhood courses at the Department of Basic Education at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She is also a course coordinator, mentoring Early Childhood Education Course Tutors for the new B.Ed. programme being run at the Colleges of Education in Ghana.

Dr. Dzamesi has expertise in Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood pedagogies, teacher professional development programme design, implementation, and evaluation. Her research interest centres on issues relating to early childhood education, teacher preparation, instructional pedagogies with a special interest in the pedagogical potential of African indigenous play for children’s learning and development. As part of her doctoral thesis, Dr. Dzamesi designed, implemented, and evaluated a teacher development programme based on indigenous play in Ghanaian kindergarten schools.