Faith Kudzai Chihumbiri 

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Faith Kudzai Chihumbiri  Zimbabwe 2018 grantee South Africa Program MPhil in Environmental Management from Stellenbosch University, South Africa  BSc (Hons) in Forest Resources and Wildlife Management from The National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe

Faith is a sustainability professional with more than  ten years’ experience working with, and for, local governments in developing strategies and action plans toward building resilience to climate change through means that promote inclusive and sustainable ways of managing resources.

As an Environmental Officer at the Western Cape Government in South Africa, Faith has been involved in developing several strategic programmes including the flagship Ecological Infrastructure Investment Framework and updating the Western Cape Climate Change Response Strategy.

Growing up, it had always been Faith’s dream to better understand the relationship between man and the environment and, in turn, actively contribute to finding measures to ensure that there is a practical yet sustainable relationship between the two. Receiving a MMEG  grant enabled her to further her education, graduating with an MPhil in Environmental Management from Stellenbosch University in 2019.  The grant also provided  financial relief allowing her to attain a work-life-study balance in light of family responsibilities, and to complete her research on time. 

In her spare time, Faith enjoys gardening or volunteering at the local church with her daughters.