Cecilia Gebruers

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PhD Student

Human Rights and Legal Theory

Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University

from Argentina

Argentinian 2018 MMEG grantee Cecilia Gebruers is studying for a PhD in Human Rights and Legal Theory at Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University, New York, and expects to graduate mid-2020.

As an academic, Cecilia has worked since 2012 on the intersection of women’s issues and the law, and to ensure that women’s studies become an integral part of legal curricula in her native country. The focus of her dissertation extends these passions to address a hitherto neglected topic, strengthening an intersectional framework in human rights law to address the impact of land-grabs on indigenous women, whose livelihoods, health and welfare are thereby imperiled.

Her future plans are to continue her human rights advocacy, academic work on legal and political theory, and also to create a law school course that ties together women’s rights and the treatment of indigenous peoples.