PhD human rights law

Chipo Nkhata

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Chipo Nkhata (38) from Zambia is pursuing a doctorate in human rights law at the University of Cape Town.

Chipo grew up in Zambia to parents who were lawyers. It was her mother’s specialization – women’s rights and family law that drew her inspiration for law. During her second year studying law she volunteered at advocacy and research organization that handled human rights issues. It was that experience that directed her towards human rights law which became her line of study in graduate and subsequently her PhD.

She has been instrumental in leading research and implementing human rights agenda with her undergraduate students, community members and trade unions. She was tasked with developing teaching materials at the University of Zambia where she is also a lecturer. Chips is currently writing a chapter for a book on family law curriculum. Before commencing her PhD program, she successfully persuaded the law school to include a human rights law clinic. This law clinic will assist women, children, the disabled and those living with HIV.

Chipo’s dedication to the betterment of women and children is clear in her work. Her research area focuses on health rights and access to justice such as land, custody of children and employment for marginalized people, mainly women. She is also part of a team that works with UNICEF to create a children’s observatory at the University of Zambia.

After earning her PhD, Chipo plans to return to Zambia and implement a fully operational human rights clinic. The clinic will serve the indigenous population and those groups that are marginalized. The clinic aims to provide legal education and research on topics important to these populations. Additionally, she plans on developing a human rights research agenda that will shape her law school’s human rights research requirements.