Celebrating Women — Winners Photo Comp Singles — MMEG

Celebrating Women

Honorable Mention: Taiwo Aina

Celebrating Women

© Taiwo Aina

Author Name: Taiwo Aina

Author Location: Ilorin, Nigeria

Author Background: Taiwo Aina is a visual storyteller and filmmaker who specializes in documentary stories and creative portraiture. Taiwo currently creates works around daily life experiences, religion, agriculture, entrepreneurship. Taiwo is interested in capturing beautiful moments. She loves to travel and discover new cultures while interacting with people, and broadening her knowledge.

Submission Statement: This is an image from a series that interrogates how emerging, and established women in Africa whose choice of work is changing occupational stereotypes by getting involved in 'male professions' and also identity function in the profession. Traditionally, women are excused from certain occupations. However, in contemporary times, women are reengineering our society to witness a shift. It is no news that females in our society are forging new, fresh paths, on several fronts ranging from primary jobs to politics and on to leadership. Now, we have a lot of women pushing the scope of impediments to establish themselves in professions inherently set aside for men. Most take it up, not because of the monetary compensations, but for passion, without giving much consideration to the clog of stress I bomber. In my part of the world, photography was majorly practiced by men, and taking on the profession, I get queries from different people, some strangers, about the motive behind my choice of career. Some ask why I do not consider more 'feminine vocations'. At work, people often refer to me as a tomboy, a language that I dislike. Using the portraits of the females dressed in their bespoke outfit to debunk the fact that we are tom-boys. I aim to spotlight and celebrate young women like myself who have braved lesser-traveled paths and have managed to remain on track. Furthermore, I hope this body of work challenges other women shackled by societal limitations to move in the way of their hearts.

Comments from the judges:

Katie Jett Walls": “Graphically rich and contemporary, this portrait packs a punch in color and rewards a closer look with great lines and details. As a fan of abstract painting, this photograph delivers what I love artistically and serves its goals of showing how pushing boundaries enriches both the economy and art/photography.”