Catalina Rey-Guerra

Catalina Rey-Guerra (34), Colombian, is a doctoral candidate in Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology at Boston College. Her previous education includes a Master’s in Economics and Public Policy at Universidad de Los Andes (2016) and a Bachelor’s in Economics and International Business Administration from Universidad del Rosario (2013).

Catalina's deep commitment to women and children has led her to work on many projects with the Colombian Ministry of Education, influencing national education policy, and leading research projects to improve children's academic outcomes and family well-being. Through her Ph.D., she focuses on addressing socioeconomic and gender disparities in early learning opportunities while ensuring family well-being. Her long-term goals involve closely working with Colombian government organizations to promote class, race, and gender equality in education.

Catalina's career plan involves working towards the prevention and reduction of gender disparities in learning opportunities and child development, particularly in Colombia and other countries in the region. She aims to develop community-based materials, such as toolkits, in collaboration with local stakeholders and organizations. Her dissertation will serve as a stepping stone toward becoming an advocate for gender equality and children's rights.