Thabang Ramakhula

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Thabang Ramakhula (29) from Lesotho, is pursuing her PhD studies in Law at the University of the Free State in the area of Women’s Political Participation in Lesotho. Personal experiences and observations led to her passion around the protection of vulnerable women and children through the law. Through her studies she has come to a deeper understanding of the power dynamics that affect women and children’s rights, and the inclusivity or lack thereof of the legal process and ideas around how cultural and religious beliefs seep into women and children’s rights’ work. Through her engagement with various NGOs and other stakeholders, she has traveled all the districts of Lesotho speaking on women and children's rights issues, disseminating gender laws and policies to communities and mobilizing women and children in communities on issues and laws regarding their human rights violations and the impacts of such violations. Thabang’s future career plans center around dismantling the societal and structural discrimination against women in government, in Lesotho and beyond; she wants to effectively contribute to social justice in Lesotho, Africa and globally.

“My goal is to expose and dismantle the false narrative created and perpetuated by custom and culture that women are incapable of efficiently occupying and excelling in political leadership roles.”