Thanks to MMEG's Trinity Program Selection Committee

Thank you to the Trinity Washington Selection Committee for all its work in ensuring the continuity of MMEG’s Trinity Washington University Program. The Trinity Program is unique among MMEG’s programs in that its grants are open to all Trinity's women students, irrespective of nationality and immigration status. The program was originally established to acknowledge MMEG’s location in Washington DC and it is hoped that MMEG recipients will continue to contribute to the local community.

The Selection Committee is made up of seven members, from six different countries, with varied backgrounds and a range of experience: international development, economics, nursing, sociology, business management  and financial markets. Their collective expertise has been invaluable in overseeing the selection process.

This year the MMEG grant is awarded to a candidate in the field of occupational therapy who demonstrates ambition, vision and perseverance in the face of great personal adversity. She exemplifies the values MMEG strives to support and will doubtless be able to translate her student success into her future professional world in Washington, DC.

The Selection Committee, as always, played an essential role in this process of finding the right candidate. The MMEG Board offers our deepest gratitude for the volunteers’ work, and we look forward to our continuing collaboration.

Thanks to the 2024 LAC Selection Committee

MMEG’s Board of Directors would like to thank and congratulate the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Selection Committee for completing another successful selection process, On January 11, 2024, they proudly presented 10 exceptional women who stood out from a large pool of applicants.

The LAC Selection Committee is composed of dedicated volunteers with nine different nationalities and from various professional backgrounds, who work hard toward a common goal: reviewing submitted applications to identify the extraordinary and exceptional women who might join our family of grantees.

LAC grantees for FY 2024 are citizens of five different countries, currently studying at one of the program’s partner universitiesTheir fields of study are social anthropology, development & international relations, gender studies, health & nutrition, political science, sociology, gender law, medicine, and political sociology. They are enrolled in bachelor’s, baster’s, or PhD programs.

These grantees have demonstrated their commitment to work and volunteer to assist the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities throughout their careers. 

Through their professional and study plans, they confirm their dedication to uplift the lives of women and children in developing countries.

The diversity in our grantees’ fields of study confirms that women are catalysts of positive change in all elements of their communities!

Read about the grantees here.

La Junta Directiva de MMEG desea agradecer y felicitar al Comité de Selección de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) por completar otro proceso de selección exitoso; el 11 de enero de 2024, presentaron con orgullo a 10 mujeres excepcionales que se destacaron entre un gran grupo de  aplicantes.

 El Comité de Selección de MMEG en LAC está compuesto por voluntarias con nueve nacionalidades diferentes y diversas carreras profesionales, que son muy dedicadas y trabajan arduamente con un objetivo común, revisando las solicitudes presentadas para identificar a las mujeres extraordinarias y excepcionales que podrían unirse a nuestra familia de beneficiarias.

 Las becarias de LAC para el año fiscal 2024 son ciudadanas de cinco países diferentes, que actualmente estudian en una de las universidades participantes en el programa. Sus campos de estudio son Antropología Social, Desarrollo y Relaciones Internacionales, Estudios de Género, Salud y Nutrición, Ciencias Políticas, Sociología, Derecho de Género, Medicina y Sociología Política. Están inscritas en programas de Licenciatura, Maestría o Doctorado.

Estas becarias han demostrado su compromiso a través de su trabajo y su voluntariado para ayudar a las comunidades vulnerables y desfavorecidas a lo largo de sus carreras. Al presentar sus planes profesionales y de estudio, confirman su dedicación a mejorar la vida de las mujeres y los niños en los países en desarrollo.

La diversidad en los campos de estudio de nuestras becarias confirma que las mujeres son catalizadoras de un cambio positivo en todos los elementos de sus comunidades.

Lea sobre las becarias aquí.

Our Impact: 2018 grantee Eileen Contreras Cerdeña

Eileen Contreras Cerdeña is a psychology professor, artist mediator, and social activist from Peru. In an interview, she shared how funding from Margaret McNamara Education Grants (MMEG) enabled her to complete her graduate studies and created opportunities for her to give back to her community, break taboos about sexual violence, and accompany Amazonian women to build a safer and more inclusive future. Read more.

MMEG Talks - Equity for Women in the Workplace

February 6, 2024

Equity for Women in the Workplace

By Lindsey Chang

Examining the landscape of gender equity in mining, Margaret McNamara Education Grants (MMEG) hosted a thought-provoking webinar titled "Equity for Women in the Workplace" on February 5, 2024. The event delved into the experiences of women miners in Ghana and Bolivia, exploring the challenges they face and the potential for transformative change through education and policy initiatives.

In this session, Obaa Akua Konadu Osei from Ghana and Evelyn Callapino Guarachi from Bolivia, both MMEG grantees, shared their insightful research and personal experiences that underscore the resilience and empowerment of women navigating the challenges of a traditionally male-dominated field. Their stories, rooted in their families’ experiences in mining, were a compelling testament to the critical need for gender equity and the potential for transformative change within the industry on a global scale.

Discussion Highlights: Education, Resilience, and Change

The webinar delved into several critical issues, underscoring the importance of education as a catalyst for social resilience and empowerment. Key topics included:

Education as a tool for empowerment: The panelists highlighted how educational support is crucial for enabling women to navigate and excel in challenging environments.

Resilience in a men’s world: The conversation addressed the resilience of women working in mines traditionally dominated by men, where even job postings often implicitly favor male candidates. Despite such barriers and having to overcome their own doubts and societal stereotypes suggesting they might not succeed, these women not only entered these fields, but they are able to become upwardly mobile.

Empowering change: Advocating for the recognition of women miners, whose contributions have historically been overlooked, is crucial to raise social awareness about their work conditions and risks. Supporting women's organizations who push for public policy changes is essential to secure advancements and protections for women in mining. The importance of acknowledging and rectifying women’s marginalized status in the industry was also discussed.

Achievements and the Path Forward

The achievements of Obaa and Evelyn serve as a testament to the potential of focused aid in effecting significant changes in gender equity and beyond. Their work not only sheds light on the specific challenges women face in industries like mining but also offers strategies for upward mobility and empowerment.

The stories of Obaa and Evelyn underscore the transformative power of education and the importance of sustaining efforts to achieve gender equity in the workplace and society at large.

This MMEG Talk served as a powerful reminder of the collective action needed to support and uplift women worldwide, particularly in challenging sectors and circumstances. 

MMEG Talks are organized by MMEG board member Priscilla Linn, who welcomes suggestions for future MMEG Talks.

To view the whole Talk press here.

Thanks to the 2024 South Africa Selection Committee

MMEG extends heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the South Africa Program’s Selection Committee members for their dedication and success in completing yet another round of selections. On December 14, 2023, they identified ten extraordinary women from a large pool of applicants and highlighted them as potential grantees. MMEG’s Board of Directors recently reviewed these recommendations and is delighted to have approved all ten recommended grants

The review process started with 269 applications. After three rounds of review, the committee selected 10 finalists representing 5 different countries. These finalists are academically ambitious: half are pursuing doctoral degrees and the other half, master's degrees, with various majors and concentrations.

The Selection Committee is also diverse. It consists both of returning members and five new members, all from diverse cultural backgrounds who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the decision making process.

We are thankful for every individual’s contribution to MMEG's story. Their ongoing engagement and support are essential to MMEG's mission,

MMEG Grantee and ex-Refugee Turned Advocate Shares Her Journey

Hourie Tafech, a 2020 MMEG grantee, recently visited DC to participate in a panel discussion with two other MMEG grantees. The talk was moderated by Soukeyna Kane, Director, Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) Group, who later interviewed Hourie about the refugee experience. 

You can read an interview with Hourie Tafech and Soukeyna Kane here. The article was produced by the World Bank FCV communications team and originally published on the World Bank Intranet.


June 20, 2023

Ex-Refugee Turned Advocate Shares Her Journey

By Daniel Amponsah, FCV Communications Team

Refugee youths are highly unlikely to attend college. UNHCR data sadly backs this up: only 1 in 100 refugee youth enrolls in tertiary education compared with nearly 40 in 100 of the world's youth, according to the agency's analysis. Yet Dr. Hourie Tafech, a young Palestinian woman born in a Lebanese refugee camp, defied the odds. Not only did she go to college, but she also earned a doctorate degree in global affairs. In 2020, Dr. Tafech was awarded the prestigious Margaret McNamara Education Grant in recognition of her work as a passionate advocate for refugee rights. In a conversation with Soukeyna Kane, Director, Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) Group, Dr. Tafech talks about her experience, her work, and about issues related to forced displacement.

Soukeyna: You spent your entire childhood in Lebanon as a Palestinian refugee, which I'm sure carried a lot of trauma and suffering. How did you turn that experience into becoming an advocate for refugees?

 Hourie: I'm a third-generation Palestinian refugee, born and raised in Lebanon. It was my grandfather who was forcibly displaced during the 1948 Palestinian War. I must say the refugee situation might have improved a bit from 1948, but it is almost the same in terms of the inability to enjoy political and civil rights in Lebanon. When I was growing up, we could not afford to live outside the camp and were not allowed to be employed in certain jobs. Since the camps are considered autonomous zones, the government is not responsible for what happens inside. Groups in the camp clashed with each other frequently. Without going into details, I can say that growing up in the camp was traumatizing in terms of personal safety.

I am here today not because I had the power to transform my life. I believe my determination, skills and hard work, though important, would hardly be enough. I benefited from encountering the right people and opportunities along the way. I was one of the luckiest refugees who had opportunities and met people who believed in and took a chance on me.

Soukeyna: Given your experience and your research, what would say are the main challenges to the full integration of refugees into host communities and what do you think can be done about them?

Hourie: I think a key challenge is that we look at the refugee situation through a temporary lens. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, for instance, have been in permanent temporariness' for 75 years. Another challenge is that host communities have their own development problems. The public perception toward refugees is often unfavorable. Blaming refugees and migration for host countries' every problem instead of focusing on substantive issues is often popular during political campaigns. It makes people hate refugees. Yet refugees should also bear some responsibility for their integration into host communities. Refugees must respect the laws and environment of host countries and refrain from meddling in politics. To better integrate refugees, I think we should have long-term plans with right policies, programs and institutions in place. We must also make sure that the public is well informed and political campaigns avoid spreading negativity about refugees.

Soukeyna: How can the World Bank or other multilateral organizations help with refugee integration?

Hourie: I think World Bank needs to be more vigilant with issues related to fraud and corruption when it supports governments for refugee integration. The multilateral organizations must make sure the money they provide to governments is used for its intended purpose. I think a strict transparency and accountability system will be critical to track how the money is spent and whether it is reaching the refugees and host communities.

Soukeyna: How do you stay optimistic working on this challenging issue?

Hourie: Believe me, I'm not always optimistic. I have moments when I get overwhelmed, feeling the challenge is too daunting. Yet I cannot help but be hopeful when I recall how access to higher education has changed my life, helping give my family a good life outside the camp. At the same time, I have helped my brothers, cousins and others to secure scholarships to go to university. I have realized that helping each other at the family and community levels could lead somewhere.

I am happy, too, with the progress made in getting refugees involved in important policy dialogues. Next week, I will be the first refugee representative in the official U.S. delegation to the Annual Tripartite Consultation on Resettlement—a UNHCR forum on global refugee resettlement—in Geneva. I wouldn't have imagined that eight years ago.

Dr. Tafech also had a question for Soukeyna

Hourie: Does your department include refugee voices and leadership, or refugee-led organizations when it comes to planning for FCV countries?

Soukeyna: On the refugee situation, our main counterpart is UNHCR because they help us assess protection frameworks when we design projects. When we plan on using the [IDA] Window for Host Communities and Refugees—the World Bank's support for durable solutions and socio-economic opportunities for refugee and host populations—we have consultations with the beneficiaries. At the corporate level, we engage NGOs, including refugee-led ones in policy dialogue.