MMEG Grantees Work for Peace


On April 30, MMEG was delighted to host a discussion on “Why We Need Women Peacebuilders in Conflict Zones” featuring two recent grantees, Lima Ahmad and Singmila Shimrah.  Both women work to create and sustain peace in conflict-afflicted communities in their home regions, Afghanistan and Nagaland, respectively.  The forum was moderated by Karen Mathiasen, Former U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank Group and currently an Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.  Karen opened the discussion by noting that studies show that the influence of women in the peace-building process is profound; peace achieved with the involvement of women tends to persist 30% longer when women are included. 


 Lima Ahmad is an FY18 grantee now graduating with a master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School of Tufts University, where she has just been accepted for a PhD program.  Her focus is on international security and women, especially as it relates to peace-building efforts in Afghanistan.  Lima has worked on involving Afghani women in the peace process, in land reform issues and in improving the prison system for females.  She told us that the impetus for her studies comes from having lost some 50 friends and relatives in conflict in Afghanistan.  Her goal is to ensure that security and peace-building efforts include women at the bargaining table, not at the door as token representatives.

Singmila Shimrah received a MMEG grant in FY17 to support her work toward a doctorate at George Mason University.  Singmila is studying international relations and diplomacy, specializing in conflict analysis and resolution especially as it relates to Naga women’s participation in conflict resolution to enable more durable peace in South Asia.  As a social worker, she veered away from the medical career her family envisioned toward giving voice and agency to women involved in peace-building and conflict resolution.

Also attending was a newly-minted, FY19 grant recipient studying conflict resolution at Duke.  Asha Asokan.  Asha worked in South Sudan as a Child Protection Officer and focuses on bringing women as well as young people into the decision-making process in conflict-affected countries. 


Singmila and Lima spoke with passion and intelligence about their work and their commitment to the cause of building and sustaining peace in a conflict-ridden world, an area that is male- dominated and intimidating especially in their home countries. They and Asha are testament to the exceptionality of MMEG grantees. As Padmini Mahurkar, chairperson of the volunteer selection committee, said at the event’s close, “it is gratifying for us as committee members to see, hear, and meet you and know that we did well to choose you and continue to support the good work that you do.” MMEG board members heartily agree and continue to be very proud of all of our grantees who are truly making a difference in today’s conflict-ridden world.


Visit by Valeria Neh Angu (MMEG FY18 grantee)


It’s a great day at the MMEG office when one of our grantee visits!  On April 4, Valeria Neh Angu came to see us in Washington.   A native of Cameroon, Valeria received a MMEG grant last year to pursue a master’s degree in Health Science, specializing in Community and Global Health at Clark University in Massachusetts, USA.    Valeria had told us in her MMEG application that she has a passion for justice and equity and boy did that prove to be true!

 Valeria’s belief in the power of women is electrifying as shown in her own story.  Born into a poor polygamous family, Valeria was one of 16 children.  While she was able to go to school while her father lived, her half-brothers closed that door when he died because she was a female child from another woman. This frustration pushed her into early marriage without any asset, where she was mistreated.  However, Valeria believes that a woman should “Never go into a marriage as a liability” expecting another to support you or take care of you; women must be self-reliant to meet their dreams, not making plans subject to their husband’s support.  She believes that if women “want to go ahead, they must do it themselves.”  She was as good as her word and left her husband’s family to go to school, enjoining him to wait for her.  He did wait as she pursued her dream.  

In order to undertake a double undergraduate major in Women’s Studies/Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Buea in Cameroon, Valeria made ends meet by selling doughnuts at the roadside.   She also then acted on another strong belief which is in the power of community.  “Sharing is caring.” So, she shared, her ambitions, her struggles and her story within her community and was able to find an educational mentor who supports her studying to this day.  Combine this ability to reach out to her community with her self-determination, persistence, and ambition and you have success in the form of Valeria’s achievements. 

After finishing school in 2004, Valeria continued to walk the talk and worked in community and livelihood development with Heifer International and a local activist group -- Women in Action Against Gender-based Violence.  She decided then to take her passion further and work in the broader area of global health and women’s empowerment. 

We asked Valeria, how she came to MMEG and she noted that she is an internet “guru,” searching and scrubbing the net.  She had identified the International Development Community and Environment department in Clark University which perfectly combines two programs (international development and public health) in the US and other programs in Europe.  “When I want to find something, I go for it.” She said “I want [to have] opportunities.  Then I choose.”  She chose Clark University and then received a MMEG grant.  “You people saved me” she said, noting that being a grant recipient has increased her already-formidable, self-assurance and determination.   

We asked Valeria how she wants to pay her work forward.  She plans on returning to Africa where she will continue her professional career as a project manager for any development organization that needs a passionate change agent.  There she will work toward equality and justice for women and on global health issues.  “Women’s empowerment means strengthening women’s capacity to use their innate abilities” she says.  She will work toward improving women’s livelihood outcomes such as increasing their access to income which, in turn, gives them the means to become self-sustaining with access to life improvements like – education, better clothing, improved housing, higher quality food choices, vaccinations and better medical treatment.   Valeria says” This would contribute in achieving the sustainable development goals especially for women and girls in all sectors of their lives. Her five years career plan is to lead a non-profit organization in Africa where she will collaborate with other partners to advocate for the voiceless underprivileged--especially women, girls and all children.

Valeria is also creating a legacy with her two daughters.  Not only is she a model of a successful woman to her husband and in today’s global world, she is providing her girls with the foundation of success; “Quality education is the key” she says.   Her elder daughter is studying computer engineering and the younger is still in grammar school.  By Valeria’s account, they are both determined, driven, feisty and opinionated girls.  They sound a lot like their Mother!

FY19 grantees for US-Canada & Trinity Washington university programs announced

Congratulations to our US-Canada and Trinity Washington University grantees, listed here. Successful candidates were informed personally.

Many thanks to our volunteers in the Selection Committee who reviewed the applications and recommended these exceptional women!

Stories of our new grantees coming soon through our social media accounts. Follow us there! 

FY19 Latin America Program Grantees were announced

Congratulations to our Latin America program grantees, listed here. Many thanks to our volunteers in the Selection Committee who reviewed the applications and recommended these exceptional women!

Felicitaciones a nuestras becarias del Programa de America Latina, enumeradas aquí
Muchas gracias a nuestros voluntarios del Comité de Selección, quienes evaluaron  y recomendaron a todas estas mujeres excepcionales.

Stories of our new grantees coming soon through our social media accounts. Follow us there!

Las historias de nuestras nuevas becarias serán publicadas en breve por nuestras redes de comunicación social. Síguenos allí!

MMEG International Arts and Crafts Fair was a great success!



Our heartfelt thanks go to the 100+ volunteers, US Executive Director’s office, Office of the President, WBFN, Global Corporate Solutions (Security Operations Support, Food and Conference Services, JK Moving Services, Mail and Shipping office, and Parking Services), BFSFCU, the Global Wealth Management Group of Raymond James, vendors, shoppers, and MMEG supporters for making this spectacular event a success this year and every year!

2009 grantee, Vida N. Yakong (RN, MSN, PhD), on October 30, 2018

Vida Yakong, founder of Project GROW in northern Ghana, shared her community based strategies for poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment. Some audience members at this event have been moved to donate goats to Project GROW after heraing her speak!

We awarded Vida a grant in 2009 while she was studying medical anthropology at University of British Columbia Okanagan. She is now Head of Department at Midwifery School of Allied Health Sciences at University for Development Studies (Ghana).


What I learned from my mother that I bring to my work with MMEG...

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Our mothers play a unique role in our lives. The words of wisdom and inspiration they offer us come from experience and the lucidity of perspective. To mark Mother’s Day, a few MMEG volunteers and contributors are sharing valuable lessons learned from their mothers, which they continue to hold dear, and bring to their work with Margaret McNamara Education Grants:

“My mother kept trying new recipes until she lost her sight, and never spoke unkindly about anyone. She reminds me to keep trying to stay open to new possibilities, and to watch my tongue!” -Reiko (Japan, MMEG President)

“The value of an education and a great sense of compassion…” -Brinda (India, MMEG Board member)

 “My mother always told me to listen to others and learn from their thoughts and comments. Give some kindness and you will receive some in return. She was a no nonsense person. I like to think I have followed this advice and have certainly received kindness together with interesting experiences from MMEG Board members and many candidates over the years.” -Alison (UK, MMEG Board member)

“My mother kept many sayings close to her heart and imparted them to us.  One of them was:  "Keep a green tree in your heart, and one day the singing bird will come!"  And this has brought a special spirit to my work” -Anthea (USA, MMEG Board member)

 “My mother always taught me the importance of education in acquiring true independence. An educated woman can decide more freely about her life and follow her interests and passions. Providing education grants to women, MMEG contributes to women's independence. I am very proud to be a part of this organization” -Ewelina (Poland, MMEG Fair Committee Chair)

“Honesty about yourself and towards other was the one great value she held dearly. Part of the logic was that if you do not lie you have less to remember!” -Madeleine (South Africa, MMEG Board member)

 “My mother got married at 17 and had me when she was 20, as they did in WWII.  No college for her.  When I wanted to apply to college years later, to study international relations in Washington, DC, my guidance counselors could only find Georgetown, which, at that time, was only admitting males.  With no such thing as internet, my mom mobilized and tracked down a friend [who knew] the dean of American U’s School of International Service.  Five years later, I had my AU SIS BA in hand.  What did that teach me?  Never underestimate the skills of a challenged mother.   I believe I read the applicants’ essays differently because of my experience.  I understand their struggles, and their stories about their own mothers or grandmothers or aunties fighting for them to study”   -Charlotte (USA, Selection Committee Chair)

“Growing up, my mother constantly reinforced to me that achieving brilliant grades in school and getting the best education I could was just as important for me as it was for my two brothers. In spite of the very patriarchal context in which she herself grew up, she never let me forget that as a girl I could and should excel as much as the boys around me and that it was through my education - and not someone else’s status – that I would be able to live a fulfilled life in future. This is something I firmly believe for all women” -Vesna (Ghana, MMEG Board member)

“From her experience as an immigrant to the UK, and subsequently to Brazil, I absorbed from my mother a love of learning about other cultures and languages, and the importance of welcoming strangers into mine” -Colin (UK, MMEG Board member)

“My mother taught me, through her example, the importance of always making one’s self available to all people around us” -Ana (Peru, MMEG Board member)

 “I learnt from my mother that education not only promotes social status, confidence, and independence for women but also helps us to be more efficient and creative both at work and at home” -Pelin (Turkey, MMEG Coordinator)

“The passion for education, everything is possible if you work hard - but it is more enjoyable when you learn in the process” -Ledda (Peru, MMEG Board member)

 “My mother volunteered and served on the boards of charities and institutions that existed to help women and families.  Her work for such causes as the United Way, the Visiting Nurses Association and the local hospital, inspired me through her example, to walk the walk of supporting women -- in this case to help women from around the world further their education.  She also taught me how to fold clothes beautifully--thank you Mother!! -Brigid (USA, MMEG Board member)